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Why We do What We do

Climate Change - Antarctic Melting Glacier in a Global Warming Environment.jpg

Climate change is the most significant risk multiplier facing the world today.

Shipping, if it were a country, would be the 6th largest polluter in the world and must decarbonize. But navigating the transition to decarbonization in shipping is filled with uncertainty. Companies need assistance in embracing it and turning it into an opportunity.

We understand the sea and the shipping business. We have the necessary knowledge and experience in helping companies and people manage change.

By leveraging our strengths, we are well-positioned to assist our clients to thrive and do our part to keep the oceans blue for us today, and for our children and grandchildren tomorrow.


The Imminent 

The Uncertainty 

The Opportunity

Shipping, emitting 1 billion tons of CO2 per annum, is on the verge of the "4th Propulsion Revolution" that will take it to a zero-carbon future over the next decades. This needed energy transition is estimated to cost the industry US$1.8-2.4 trillion by 2050. IMO's adoption of new mandatory measures to cut the carbon intensity of international shipping and adding the maritime industry to the EU's Emission Trading System are merely the tip of the iceberg. To trigger an adequate pace of innovation, financing, development, and adoption of new fuels, propulsion systems, and necessary infrastructure, these policy initiatives will be followed by more impactful legislation. An imminent wave of change that will affect the entire maritime industry is on the way.

As new technologies and the regulatory framework are still works in progress, filled with uncertainty, it is challenging to see a clear path to mitigate risks and measure the economic outcomes of the investments necessary to decarbonize.

Not knowing how to assess risks and opportunities and quantify ROI, and lacking a framework to craft and execute strategies, many shipping companies and cargo clients alike have yet to fully embrace change. Simultaneously, numerous innovators and service providers with solutions that address the decarbonization challenge struggle to attract customers for their offerings. This slowdown in the transition hardly helps in the fight against climate change.

Just as navigators need to prepare before embarking on a sea voyage, identifying ports of destinations and charting the course to reach them, companies too need a vision, a roadmap, and the tools to embark on their journey towards a decarbonized future.

Leveraging our experience in helping clients navigate change, we facilitate, for shipping companies and cargo clients alike, the reimagining of their future and the viewing of decarbonization through the lens of opportunity for growth. Building on decades of experience in shipping, and working with our partners in academia, innovation, change management, the maritime industry, and the investment community, we are creating an environment to develop knowledge, strategies, and solutions needed to start seizing the blue ocean of opportunities of tomorrow today.

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